Prof. Dr. Herbert Schuster

Founder, CIO, Keynote Speaker, Consultant, Digitisation expert

As a former SAP manager, successful entrepreneur and founder of the start-up company Innoplexia GmbH, Prof. Dr. Herbert Schuster is one of the most renowned digitization experts in Germany. The main topics of his lectures are digital transformation, data-driven decision-making and digital market and consumer research.

Keynote topics

„Most companies in Germany have no challenges but real problems!“

„It is about time to transform, since the customer has been completely transformed for years!“

„Darwinism live - every day companies die and new business processes are generated.“

„A motto with two messages: ACT. SIMPLY.“


Enjoy the highlights of past events!

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Further information about Prof. Dr. Herbert Schuster.


Thematic focuses and examples for keynote titles

Digitization and transformation of established companies

Companies in times of digitized customers and competitors: A status quo analysis of the market.

The principle of the “Fastest Follower” – don’t be afraid of disruptors!

Digitized consumers: market knowledge and analytics for a better understanding of the customers’ needs

German economy in transformation? A status report concerning the digital fitness of German companies

Transformation – 10 Do’s and Don’ts when implementing change

Big Data

From Big Data to Smart Data to Smart Services

Data as a Business: Data as the most valuable raw material of the future – how to generate and process them.

Google, Facebook, Amazon: Why to keep an eye on these three companies

AI & Deep Learning

AI explained for everybody. Concrete Examples of how to use these methods as a company

AI & Business: How can we unfold the potential of these new technologies? An overview of things that will change.

Profile of Keynote Speaker Prof. Dr. Herbert Schuster

An extraordinary vita

Leading expert and speaker

1986-1991 – Studies of mathematics and geography at the University of Heidelberg

1991-1994 – teaching at Berufsakademie Mannheim and working as a system architect at the City of Heidelberg

1994-1999 – Various positions at SAP AG in Walldorf, accompanying doctorate thesis to DSc.

1999-2001 – Managing Director of SAP subsidiary eSAP (headcount: 250 employees)

2002-2002 – Executive Board (COO) of SEEBURGER AG

2003-present – Professor for business informatics at the SRH Hochschule Heidelberg

2004-2008 – Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science at the SRH Heidelberg University of Applied Sciences

2010-2018 – Founder and Managing Director of Innoplexia GmbH

2018-today – CIO of SNP Schneider-Neureither & Partner SE (parent company of Innoplexia GmbH)

Past events with Prof. Dr. Herbert Schuster

Excerpt from previous events with Prof. Dr. Herbert Schuster

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